Level 2a Studio Recording & Production/ Level 2b Mixing & Signal Processing
March 28, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - May 23, 2023 @ 8:00 pm
Level 2a – Studio Recording & Production
Including Large Format Console Signal Flow & Patchbays, Auxes & Inserts, Headphone Mixes, and Mic placement techniques.
Tuesdays: 3/28–4/25
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm PT
Location: WAM’s SF Recording Studio, at 542 Natoma St, San Francisco, CA 94103.
Level 2b – Mixing & Signal Processing
EQ, Dynamic, and Time-based processing with hands-on access to Pro Tools at our WAMO Oakland facility.
Tuesdays: 5/2–5/23
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm PT
Location: WAMO facility, located at 1900 Fruitvale Ave, Unit 3A, 3rd floor, Oakland.
NOTE: This is an upper-level course and will not be accessible for folks who have not had basic audio production training. Recent completion of WAM Academy Level I and basic understanding of Pro Tools is strongly recommended.
General Pricing – $350
WAM Member – $300
Already a Member? Please email education@womensaudiomission.org for your discount code.
Women’s Audio Mission courses focus on increasing the gender balance in audio production and technology sectors since less than 5% of the population employed in these sectors are women and gender-diverse individuals. There are limited spots available in our classes, and they often sell out, so we ask that if you are not woman-identified (cisgender or transgender), nonbinary, or gender-expansive, you reconsider enrolling in the class. We will not turn anyone away, but please be mindful that if you take up a seat in the class, that is one less woman, non-binary, or gender-expansive individual that we can serve. We thank you for your understanding in advance and for joining us in our mission to advance women and girls in music production and the recording arts.
Visit our website to learn more about WAM Academy and the courses we are currently offering.