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Online Music Education Resources – NYSSMA

August 12, 2020

Music Technology Education Resources by NYSSMA: Resources compiled and edited by members of the​NYSSMA Technology Committeecontact: Favorite

Example High School Course – RHAM Music Department

August 12, 2020

About this course: Audio Production and Recording dives into the art of audio recording and the science of sound. Students will learn types of microphones and their functions, microphone setups for different music ensembles, and how to mix and master recorded…

Starting a Music Technology Class in your School – Slideshow

August 12, 2020

“Learn about the possibilities available to you through starting a music technology component as part of your music program. Attract a wider body of students and engage them in project-based learning. Discover the how, why, and what of taking the…

Reaching the Other 80%: Taking Responsibility – Dr. Rick Dammers | TI:ME

August 12, 2020

Originally posted on TI:ME by Dr. Rick Dammers: “The field of music education has a market share problem.  It isn’t a new problem (we’ve been talking about this since the Tanglewood Symposium in 1967), but it is getting worse.…

Handy Lesson Briefs – Indiana University

August 12, 2020

Below are some great links on digital audio that could be useful for educators. These were derived from their syllabus : Intro to Acoustics – Intro to MIDI – Delay Effects – Filters & EQ –…

TORRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC DEPARTMENT – NAMM 2020’s best community for Music Education

August 12, 2020

The Torrington High School Music Department is “The Pride of Torrington”! THS Music offers 11 courses the most of any high school in Litchfield County! From Award-Winning performing ensembles, Music Theory, History of Popular Music to a nationally recognized Music Technology…

What is Music Technology? (Video)

August 2, 2020

What is music technology?  Watch this great explanation​by Professor Prince Charles Alexander from the Berklee College of Music! Favorite

An Example Music Technology Curriculum For High Schools

August 2, 2020

“Music technology is a class designed for Digital Harbor High School music students who are the non-specialist interested in developing their understanding of music and the technology used to create music in the 21st century. The Emphases of the course…

How DJs & Music Producers Survive The Constant Ringing in their Ears |

August 2, 2020

Article shared from “Tinnitus is a constant ringing in your ears, usually at a high frequency, but can can also sound like static or scratching. It is constant & if you don’t get your emotions under control, can be incredibly…

Top Categories from MusicThinkTank Blog

August 2, 2020

Music Think Tank is a leading music industry and artist advice blog, managed by They offer an extensive blog covering all bases for any music professional. We recommend reading through their blog categories. Here are our top 3: Mobile Music…


February 2025

External Blogs We Appreciate

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Make Moments Matter Sing. Learn. Laugh. Grow.

  • Bate, Bate, Chocolate
    by David Row on January 10, 2024 at 5:54 pm

    I find that I talk about food in my classroom all the time. It’s one common thing that unites all culture and peoples around the world because we all love to eat! Even my English language learners who might be brand new to the country learn food words really fast The post Bate, Bate, Chocolate appeared first on Make Moments Matter.

  • Two Books for Las Posadas
    by David Row on December 16, 2023 at 6:37 pm

    If you’ve spent even a few minutes on my blog you know that I love using children’s books in the classroom.  So it makes sense that in December I like using books to explain holidays, teach songs, and expand the worldview of my students.  I’ve got books for Christmas, St. The post Two Books for Las Posadas appeared first on Make Moments Matter.

  • Three Books for Hanukkah
    by David Row on December 1, 2023 at 1:27 am

    I love December in my classroom (post concert stress) because it means we have a few days or weeks to explore lots of different cultures and traditions.  So much of this learning happens through singing songs and playing games.  We learn about the tannenbaum, celebrate caroling, sing about the new The post Three Books for Hanukkah appeared first on Make Moments Matter.

  • Welcome to the Opera – Book Recommendation
    by David Row on November 21, 2023 at 5:10 pm

    As a kid, I remember that every single time I was able to try out a “push a button and listen” style of interactive book I was filled with pure delight.  There is something so joyous and exciting about flipping through a book and seeing the little bubble telling me The post Welcome to the Opera – Book Recommendation appeared first on Make Moments Matter.

  • Run, Turkey, Run! – Book Recommendation
    by David Row on November 19, 2023 at 7:36 pm

    With Thanksgiving only one day away, can Turkey find a place to hide from the farmer who’s looking for a plump bird for his family feast?  Maybe he can hide with the pigs . . . or the ducks . . . or the horses . . . Uh-oh! Here The post Run, Turkey, Run! – Book Recommendation appeared first on Make Moments Matter.

Music Education and Technology applying technology and instructional strategy to music learning

Music Education Works Collecting, summarising and sharing evidence of the impact of music education